Do you need extra expertise on an ad-hoc basis to assist with unexpected challenges and problems?

When did you last check that your operational resilience processes are fit for purpose?
Introducing our RESEARCH service to help you find out more about a new or existing area of interest
In a previous post, we talked about the different ways in which our Senior Partner, Robert J Toogood, can help you and your organisation.
In this post, we focus in more detail on how Robert can help you RESEARCH some new or existing area of interest using the extensive resources available to him, combined with his passionate interest and enthusiasm.
Robert is able to use his specialist, well proven research skills combined with a personal and passionate thirst for information to RESEARCH and provide you with what you need.
On this RESEARCH assignment for a Client in the Life-Sciences – Medical Devices & Diagnostics sector they wanted help with researching the requirements for a Business Continuity Plan for two related UK sites of a major US life-science organisation.
Robert worked with the Client and other Board Level contacts to: research industry best practice; identify and interpret Corporate requirements; propose and implement project-type governance structure to ensure timely completion of first version of plan; facilitate weekly reviews of progress and management of critical show-stopping issues; obtain Board acceptance of plan and arranged for testing/implementation.
He made a difference by being able to leverage on his extensive project/programme and compliance experience to provide an independent assessment of what was needed, and then worked with the Client to help implement the solution.
The Client subsequently commented about Robert:
“We wouldn’t be where we are today without your expertise.”
So if you are looking for help to RESEARCH some new or existing area of interest, then Robert might be that safe pair of hands you have been looking for. Contact him direct on +44 (0)1983 617241 or at robert_toogood@projectsystemssupport.com to schedule some time to discuss your immediate challenges … on a strictly confidential and non-obligation basis.
PS Also check out our new CHAORDIC PILOT™ Service!
More … www.robertjtoogood.com … this site is best viewed from a laptop or desktop as it is not currently optimised for mobile viewing.
May 8 2013
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