Do you need extra expertise on an ad-hoc basis to assist with unexpected challenges and problems?

When did you last check that your operational resilience processes are fit for purpose?
Using organisational change as positive creative force
We are constantly being bombarded with negative messages about challenges ahead of us; messages that continuously refer to terms like uncertainty, recession, revenue, growth, innovation, confidence, complexity, and chaos … to name but a few!
We need to adapt to this constantly changing world in order to compete and more importantly, survive. This adaption can be triggered by external political, economic, social and technological events, well beyond the boundaries of the organisation.
The resulting organisational change should not be viewed as negative; if embraced, it can be harnessed to provide many positive transformational benefits for the organisation.
These changes may need to take the form of updates to the organisation’s mission, values and vision. In addition, the associated strategic and operational plans may also need to be adjusted to reflect revised focus.
Sometimes organisations need extra help with adapting to this constantly changing and uncertain world, to overcome a particular challenge … and this is where our Senior Partner, Robert J Toogood can help.
Robert is different, very different! You see, he specialises in bringing order to organisational change. In fact, he loves the uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity you always find in these environments.
Robert is a TROUBLESHOOTER … he enjoys fixing organisational things that are broken and need mending.
So if your organisation is stable and well-ordered then Robert is probably not the best person to help you … however, if you are facing into uncertainty, instability and other similar challenges then Robert might be that safe pair of hands you have been looking for.
More … www.robertjtoogood.com … this site is best viewed from a laptop or desktop as it is not currently optimised for mobile viewing.
May 2 2013
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