Do you need extra expertise on an ad-hoc basis to assist with unexpected challenges and problems?

When did you last check that your operational resilience processes are fit for purpose?
Ways in which a troubleshooter can unleash positive creative forces of organisational change
In a previous post, we talked about organisational change, it’s challenges and the troubleshooting role of our Senior Partner, Robert J Toogood, in bringing order to organisational change … by embracing risk.
In this post, we focus in more detail on the different ways in which Robert can help you and your organisation but first, some background about him.
Robert is a highly experienced and flexible, independent senior management consultant … with strong skills in the organisational change aspects of governance, risk management and compliance. For over 25 years , he has been using his experience and his accumulated expertise to help senior executives cope with complex organisational change, in diverse organisations right across the world … quite often as part of a regional European or global team.
With this background, there are five specific ways in which Robert can help:
RESCUE: he can help you to rescue a project, portfolio or programme or some other form of strategic implementation initiative that is failing to deliver on expectations.
REVIEW: he can help you to learn from your experiences … either at the organisational level, some project, portfolio or programme related activity or personally.
IMPLEMENTATION: he can help you and your organisation to organise yourselves more effectively to implement change … possibly in the form of a business transformation programme; governance, risk management and compliance activities; or maybe a recent merger, acquisition or divestiture.
SUPPORT: he can help you achieve your full potential during a period of significant change and/or challenge.
RESEARCH: he can help you to find out more about some new or existing area of interest using the extensive resources available to him, combined with his passionate interest and enthusiasm.
If your organisation is stable and well-ordered then Robert is probably not the best person to help you … however, if you are facing into uncertainty, instability and other similar challenges then he might be that safe pair of hands you have been looking for. So contact Robert NOW on +44 (0)1983 617241 or at robert_toogood@chaordicsolutions.com to schedule some time to discuss your immediate challenges … on a strictly confidential and non-obligation basis
More … www.robertjtoogood.com … this site is best viewed from a laptop or desktop as it is not currently optimised for mobile viewing.
May 7 2013
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