Do you need extra expertise on an ad-hoc basis to assist with unexpected challenges and problems?

When did you last check that your operational resilience processes are fit for purpose?
Introducing our RESCUE service for projects, portfolios and programmes that are failing to deliver on expectations
In a previous post, we talked about the different ways in which our Senior Partner, Robert J Toogood, can help you and your organisation.
In this post, we focus in more detail on how Robert can help you RESCUE a project, portfolio or programme or some other form of strategic implementation initiative that is failing to deliver on expectations.
Robert particularly enjoys the very special and motivating challenge associated with RESCUE activities, which quite often is associated with restoring order to what sometimes appears as being chaos.
On this RESCUE assignment for a Client in the Business Services – Office Products sector, they wanted help with rescuing a programme that was part of a “greenfield site” set of developments that included the setting up of a new Head Office and fully automated Distribution Centre, one of the most advanced in Europe at that time.
Robert worked with the IT Director to help manage the implementation of associated changes into the initial site. This involved working with a diverse team consisting of both Client and third party staff. During the implementation, the third party software vendor chosen by the Client ceased trading in the UK so additional issues and constraints had to be successfully resolved.
He made a difference by being able to leverage his extensive change management experience to complement that of the Client to support successful delivery of programme objectives.
The Client subsequently commented that Robert:
“Made a major personal contribution to the success of the project and has shown a high level of commitment and dedication throughout.”
So if you have a project, portfolio or programme or some other form of strategic implementation initiative that is failing to deliver on expectations, then Robert might be that safe pair of hands you have been looking for to help RESCUE them. Contact him direct on +44 (0)1983 617241 or at robert_toogood@projectsystemssupport.com to schedule some time to discuss your immediate challenges … on a strictly confidential and non-obligation basis.
PS Also check out our new CHAORDIC PILOT™ Service!
More … www.robertjtoogood.com … this site is best viewed from a laptop or desktop as it is not currently optimised for mobile viewing.
May 8 2013
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