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Latest annual terrorism and political violence map
Latest annual terrorism and political violence map: improvements but continued caution needed if looking to expand.
Extract from Continuity Central – Aon Risk Solutions:
Aon Risk Solutions has released its 10th annual Terrorism and Political Violence Map to help companies assess risk levels of political violence and terrorism.
Produced in collaboration with global risk management consultancy The Risk Advisory Group plc, the 2013 Map is complimented by an online and interactive version providing clients a clear global and country level view on terrorism and political violence ratings.
Aon’s 2013 Terrorism and Political Violence Map points to a continued threat of a terrorist attack or political violence as 44 percent of countries measured have an identifiable risk of terrorist attacks. This trend is especially prevalent in African and the Northern African countries.
Despite 19 countries showing improved terrorism and political violence ratings, including the UK and Germany, data and analysis reflected by the map suggest continued and growing awareness is needed for businesses looking to expand.
The three perils measured indicate the different forms of political violence most likely to be encountered by businesses:
Terrorism and sabotage;
Strikes, riots, civil commotion and malicious damage to property;
Insurrection, revolution, rebellion, mutiny, coup d’etat, war and civil war.
Color-coded ratings of the 200 countries and territories measured act as a gauge for the overall intensity of the risk of terrorism and political violence to business in each country.
The data shows:
11 upgrades (increased risk ratings), including Argentina, Egypt and Jordan;
19 downgrades (decreased risk ratings), including Germany, Italy and the UK;
Countries worst affected by terrorism are Afghanistan, India, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Somalia, Syria, Thailand and the Yemen.
Europe has the most positive regional outlook, with 47 percent of the countries with lowered risk ratings this year. This reflects receding civil unrest associated with the financial and economic crises. Limited incidents of terrorism outside of Greece and Northern Ireland also accounted for lowered risk scores.
Lingering after-effects of the Arab Spring on regional security and stability remain evident. The Middle East is the most unstable region, with 64 percent of its countries attaining high or severe risk ratings, reflecting terrorism, unrest and conflict risks.
The Middle East and North Africa region witnessed the highest proportion of countries with a terrorism and sabotage peril, at 85 percent.
Copyright 2013 Continuity Central
More … http://www.continuitycentral.com/news06770.html
May 15 2013
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