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Benefit from emulating mavericks
Benefit from emulating mavericks: innovative business models, novel technologies, leveraging experience and ideas.
Extract from bcg perspectives by the Boston Consulting Group – Martin Reeves, George Stalk, and Jussi Lehtinen:
In an era in which scale-based leadership is both less durable and less valuable than it once was, many large corporations find themselves looking over their shoulders for the next disruption—the iPhone equivalent that could reshape their industry. In many cases, these disruptions come from mavericks—small outlier companies that think and act differently from incumbents.
A group of strategists met recently in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss the emerging theory and practice of outlier strategy. The conference featured a “Meet the Mavericks” panel discussion in which four outliers described their experiences in successfully challenging incumbents.
Common to all four companies, the discussion revealed, is that they built a significant and profitable business by changing the way their industry operates. Here are some insights on what large companies can and should learn from outliers.
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Jul 1 2013
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