Do you need extra expertise on an ad-hoc basis to assist with unexpected challenges and problems?

When did you last check that your operational resilience processes are fit for purpose?
CIO role still perceived as organisational watchdog
CIO role still perceived as organisational watchdog: risk of them being sidelined if don’t change C-suite approach
Extract from Ernst & Young – The DNA of the CIO:
For many years, CIOs have been talking about becoming a true partner to the business. But relatively few have broken out of their comfort zones to actually become one, as the survey highlights. The encouraging news is that many CIOs find the remit and responsibilities of their role hugely rewarding and enjoyable.
In this report, Ernst & Young:
– Update the now-clichéd ‘watchdog’ to ‘true business partner’ story and address what partnering really means for the CIO
– Explore the aspirations of those in the job – and the skills and relationships that a successful CIO needs to master the changes, challenges and expectations of the role
– Look at how CIOs are perceived by the C-suite and the elements to building key stakeholder relationships as one of the biggest barriers ahead for CIOs
– Provide insights into the demographics and attributes which make up this unique community within EMEIA and the rest of the world
The report is based on our survey of 301 senior IT professionals from Europe, North America, Asia, Latin America, Australia and South Africa. It also draws on in-depth interviews with a further 25 CIOs from these regions. A further 40 respondents from across the rest of the C-suite were polled to provide a perspective on how the CIO is perceived by the rest of the executive management team.
More … http://www.ey.com/GL/en/Services/Advisory/The-DNA-of-the-CIO
Nov 15 2012
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