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Winning strategies of emerging multinationals
Winning strategies of emerging multinationals: lessons that can be learned from today’s more globalised distribution of power.
Extract from Knowledge@Wharton – Strategic Management:
In recent times, emerging markets have attracted a great deal of attention from the rest of the world because they have become the motors of global economic growth. This has been accompanied by two distinct trends: a boom in investment from corporations in developed nations, and the rise of homegrown multinationals. A recent book by Wharton management professor Mauro F. GuillĂ©n and Esteban Garcia-Canal, professor of business at the University of Oviedo, explores the winning strategies of emerging multinationals as well as the lessons that can be learned from today’s more globalized distribution of power.
Knowledge@Wharton spoke with the authors of Emerging Markets Rule: Growth Strategies of the New Global Giants to examine this phenomenon in greater depth.
More … http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.cfm?articleid=3130
Dec 18 2012
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