Do you need extra expertise on an ad-hoc basis to assist with unexpected challenges and problems?

When did you last check that your operational resilience processes are fit for purpose?
Our recent research has identified key GRC implementation barriers
Our recent research has identified key GRC implementation barriers: also best practice guidance on how to address them.
From Robert J Toogood, Senior Partner – Chaordic Solutions:
We live in exciting but unchartered and dangerous times.
For these reasons, it is vitally important we learn how to more effectively manage the dynamic and complex interrelationships between the areas of governance, risk and compliance.
Unfortunately, the current global economic climate is partly due to a significant number of corporate failures which have challenged the foundations of the global economic system. These failings could be argued as evidence of an ineffective approach to managing governance, risk management and compliance activities within the modern-day corporation.
An integrated approach to managing this complexity makes sound sense and in isolation, on paper, can be easily justified. However, the barriers to effective implementation are many and need to be better understood. The realities of the new world in which we all now live and work are such that we can no longer accommodate inefficiencies in our critical functions and processes.
So the time has come for us to look at our organisations and society in general in a different, much more holistic, and sustainable way. An integrated approach to managing governance, risk management and compliance provides us with a way of achieving this … provided we learn from the past and provide the correct environment for our efforts to succeed.
Recent research conducted by Chaordic Solutions has identified some of the implementation barriers and offers best practice guidance on how to address them. If you would like to discuss how the findings from this research might help you with some of your current challenges, then contact Robert J Toogood at on +44 (0)1983 617241 or at robert_toogood@chaordicsolutions.com to schedule some time … on a strictly confidential and non-obligation basis
More … www.robertjtoogood.com … this site is best viewed from a laptop or desktop as it is not currently optimised for mobile viewing.
Chaordic Solutions is a trading name of Project Systems Support © Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved
May 24 2013
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