Do you need extra expertise on an ad-hoc basis to assist with unexpected challenges and problems?

When did you last check that your operational resilience processes are fit for purpose?
Using wisdom networks to achieve rapid jump in productivity and growth
Using wisdom networks to achieve rapid jump in productivity and growth: leveraging wisdom and effort of crowds.
Extract from Management Innovation eXchange – Marcus Cake:
Facebook reduced social interaction to books of “things” that could shared with anyone, everywhere and restructured global social time and attention and achieved global transparency and meritocracy in less than 10 years. Wisdom Networks are an open source platform that defines things, books, process and outcomes for complex communities and can be deployed within 90-180 days. Wisdom Networks will reduce organisations, industries and society to books that can be shared with anyone, everywhere, anytime and transform the remainder of society within 2-5 years. The change in person to person communication crowd creates the next stage of economic development – distributed prosperity.
A Wisdom Network is an “Over the Top” platform that organises the wisdom and effort of crowds across the organisation, industry and society. Wisdom Networks leverages the Internet of Everything (IoE) by linking “things” to reveal knowledge, sharing books of things to share knowledge and organising action toward optimal outcomes. Any complex communities can be reduced to six types of “things” and a few simple interactions which can be managed by wisdom networks.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
Jul 15 2013
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