Do you need extra expertise on an ad-hoc basis to assist with unexpected challenges and problems?

When did you last check that your operational resilience processes are fit for purpose?
Only great teams can face crisis and emerge stronger
Only great teams can face crisis and emerge stronger: how to make sure your team consistently excels.
Extract from RSA Events – Khoi Tu:
Every organisation lives or dies by the quality of its teamwork. In a complex, fast-moving, increasingly connected world, the need to work effectively as a team is more urgent than ever; and only great teams can face a crisis and emerge stronger.
Renowned teamwork specialist Khoi Tu’s new book ‘Superteams’ takes seven legendary teams – including animation studio Pixar and the people behind the Northern Ireland peace process – and analyses their inner workings, evolution and defining moments. The route to excellence, Khoi Tu argues, lies in the common elements that turn teams into “superteams”. These include a compelling trigger (crusade or crisis), seriously talented but adaptable team members, and the essential processes of building cohesion, mastering conflict and managing change.
At the RSA, Khoi Tu explains how to make sure your team consistently excels, whatever your aim, from averting business failure to resolving political conflict.
More … http://www.thersa.org/events/audio-and-past-events/2012/the-secrets-of-superteams
Nov 26 2012
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