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When did you last check that your operational resilience processes are fit for purpose?
Conduct risk for insurers: responding to a fundamental shift in regulatory expectations
Twenty-two CEOs and senior executives from across the UK insurance industry were interviewed to understand their views on, and response to, the FCA’s Conduct Risk agenda. Participants covered a broad representation of the industry, including life insurers, general insurers, health insurers and composites.
This report presents our findings from the research and outlines the actions we believe insurers need to take in order to respond to the FCA’s main areas of concern.
This is a joint report from Oliver Wyman and the Chartererd Insurance Institute.
Source: http://www.cii.co.uk/knowledge/underwriting/articles/conduct-risk-for-insurers/29099
Copyright ©2014 The Chartered Insurance Institute
Mar 15 2014
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