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When did you last check that your operational resilience processes are fit for purpose?
Running workshop for Jersey branch of ICSA
Running workshop for Jersey branch of ICSA: about value of establishing culture which supports ethical behaviour.
Our Senior Partner, Robert J Toogood, is running a workshop session for the Jersey branch of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA) on 1 October, about the value of establishing a culture which supports ethical behaviour and established ‘self discipline’.
For the last five years, the ICSA Jersey Branch has organised a popular series of one hour evening workshops for its members, students and non-members … and this session is the first in the 2013/2014 series.
Robert will be presenting the workshop in conjunction with Helen Hatton, Managing Director of Sator Regulatory Consulting. Helen will provide an introduction on the regulatory intervention role ‘regulatory discipline’ arising when ‘self discipline’ fails. Robert will then talk about the value of establishing a culture which supports ethical behaviour and established ‘self discipline’, thus improving governance, compliance and effectiveness.
More … http://www.icsajersey.org.je/ICSA-Jersey-Branch-Seminars/evening-workshops-2013-2014.php
Sep 21 2013
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