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New risk culture guidance from IRM
New risk culture guidance from IRM: corporate meltdown increasingly associated with problems in this area.
Extract from IRM:
IRM has this week published its guidance on Risk Culture.
From BP to Barclays and from G4S to Kodak, the root cause of corporate meltdown is increasingly identified as problems with risk culture. We have more regulations, standards, codes and governance than ever before, but, while important, these are clearly not sufficient to ensure that the actual behaviour of individuals and teams is fully aligned with the organisation’s desired approach to risk. We can all identify from our own experience the different cultures – values, beliefs and knowledge – that exist in different organisations.
IRM’s Risk Culture project has been looking at whether these different aspects of culture make it harder or easier to manage risk and also, if you’re not happy with the culture you’ve got, what you can do to change it.
An international group of IRM members has been leading a 9 month project to produce:
– Short guidance document aimed at boards who want to understand the issues surrounding risk culture within their organisation, and
– Detailed resource document for risk practitioners setting out the background research and some practical models, tools and techniques that can usefully be applied.
To find out how to download the documents, see http://www.theirm.org/RiskCulture.html
To see the presentation given at the launch event see:
More … http://theirm.org/RiskCulture.html
Oct 18 2012
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