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Panellist at MetricStream Operational Risk Roundtable event in London
Our Senior Partner, Robert J Toogood, will be panellist at MetricStream Operational Risk Roundtable event in London.
Extract from MetricStream Press Release:
MetricStream, the market leader in enterprise-wide Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) solutions, will co-host a roundtable with HCL on Operational Risk Management in London on October 15, 2013. Leading research analysts and subject matter experts on operational risk will convene at the event to share their ideas, views, and best practices when it comes to today’s biggest issues and challenges in operational risk management. The event will also highlight innovative ways to build a sustainable operational risk management culture, driven by the proven capabilities of advanced integrated risk management technology solutions.
Our dynamic, volatile, and global marketplace is fraught with risks, rising customer expectations, a flurry of complex regulations, disruptive technologies, and mounting competition. On top of that, internal and external challenges such as fraud, human error, natural and man-made damage to physical assets, and system failures also threaten business viability and business performance. Today, effective operational risk management is not just a business necessity, but a strategic imperative. Embedding an effective operational risk management program into the day-to-day business operations can help avoid substantial organizational loss. This can also enable businesses to collaborate, transcend silos, and correlate information that provides risk insight that can guide strategic business decision-making at the executive management level.
Event speakers include Piyush Pant, Vice President of Strategic Markets at MetricStream, Cedric Merahi, Risk Management Specialist at ActivSi, David Paris, Global Solutions Partner at HCL, Philip Martin, Chief Executive at Enterprise Risk Advisors, and Robert Toogood, Senior Partner at Chaordic Solutions. Hosted in association with HCL, the roundtable will feature two different panel discussions – Role of Operational Risk Management within the Enterprise Risk Management Structure and Incorporating Operational Risk Intelligence into Strategic Business Decisions. These sessions will underscore the need for organizations to gain complete control over operational risks, which have the potential to impact other risk areas, and jeopardize an organization’s operations and reputation.
Oct 11 2013
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