Do you need extra expertise on an ad-hoc basis to assist with unexpected challenges and problems?

When did you last check that your operational resilience processes are fit for purpose?
IRM GRC SIG Q&A session with Norman Marks on 30 May 2013
This is a special event not on the IRM GRC SIG’s previously published programme … and is an unexpected opportunity to spend some extended time with Norman Marks, who is an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Risk Management for his contribution to the risk management field.
Some more background about Norman: he has been a practitioner and thought leader in internal audit, risk management, compliance and ethics for a long time. During his career, he has led large and small internal audit departments, been the Chief Risk Officer and Chief Compliance Officer, and managed IT Security and governance functions. Norman makes the point that in theory, he has now retired from SAP, where he was an evangelist for “better run business”, risk management, internal audit, GRC and related business processes such as business analytics. However, he continues to blog, write, and speak – and mentor individuals when he can.
The session is scheduled for 13:30 to 15:30 London/UK time. You can book your place using this link: http://irmgrcsigmay213.eventbrite.co.uk/#
The way the SIG is running the particular event is that, due to space and other restrictions, a few of the Steering Group members will meet face-to-face with Norman in London but we open up the discussions to everyone else in the SIG via an audio link.
If you have specific quesitons you would like to ask Norman please send them to me ASAP at my normal email address of robert_toogood@chaordicsolutions.co.uk by no later than end of business on 24 May so we can collate, finalise the agenda and share with Norman in advance of our session.
I hope you will be able to join us for what will be a very informative and lively debate. In the meantime, you can read more about Norman here on his website: http://normanmarks.wordpress.com/about/
May 17 2013
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