Do you need extra expertise on an ad-hoc basis to assist with unexpected challenges and problems?

When did you last check that your operational resilience processes are fit for purpose?
Introducing our Non-Executive Management Service for GDPR implementations
Do you need independent project, systems and risk expertise for just a few days a month or maybe on an ad-hoc basis to help with your GDPR implementation challenges?
This is where a non-executive manager (NEM) and our CHAORDIC PILOT™ Service can help – an extra pair of hands to help with an unexpected challenge such as GDPR… or possibly someone independent to share, debate and develop ideas with.
We tailor your service to meet your unique, specific requirements covering whatever you need from us. This might be for a specific number of days per month or maybe a small retainer arrangement where ad-hoc advice and guidance is provided, as and when needed.
In addition, our new GDPR IMPLEMENTATION ACCELERATOR enables a client to kick-start their compliance activities in a coordinated and structured way… based on an initial enterprise-wide assessment of what is needed, and then help with setting up a sound programme management approach to deliver all of it.
Your CHAORDIC PILOT™ Service is:
FLEXIBLE: enabling you to move away from the rigidity and prescriptive behaviours of more traditional support services… enjoy complete flexibility to change and adapt in line with your changing needs and goals.
RESPONSIVE: protecting you from cold, impersonal and overtly commercially driven arrangements… benefit from an ongoing relationship with someone you trust, that wants to passionately help with your business and its challenges, and can respond quickly to leverage upon this when needed.
COST-EFFECTIVE: allowing you to be in control of the level of support you need… together we manage your service via a regular review session during which we look at how things have gone, confirm or refine areas of focus and agree next steps/actions for the coming period.
We can provide help with:
TURNAROUND: recovering strategic initiatives failing to deliver on expectations;
ASSURANCE: reviewing effectiveness of key activities to ensure fit for purpose;
IMPLEMENTATION: organising more effectively to implement change;
SUPPORT: achieving full potential during period of significant change or challenge;
RESEARCH: finding out more about some new or existing area of interest.
Our Senior Partner, Robert Toogood, is an independent project, systems and risk expert who has recently been awarded an MSc in Risk Management (Distinction). He is also a member of the Project Management Institute (PMI), International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), and Association for Project Management (APM). This enables him to keep up-to-date with the latest thinking and developments relating to projects, systems and risk. He is currently preparing for formal Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT) recognition from IAPP of his expertise in the area of data privacy and protection.
Since May 2016, he has been investigating various ways in which he can help his clients achieve efficient compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation. His initial research and ongoing activities in this area has exposed him to many different methodologies, tools and techniques which he has been able to evaluate in more detail. This specialist knowledge, combined with his recent MSc Risk Management (Distinction) achievements and extensive data protection related project management experience, makes him a strong candidate for helping clients with their GDPR implementation challenges.
Contact Robert Toogood direct on +44 (0)1983 617241 or via email at robert_toogood@projectsystemssupport.com to explore how our CHAORDIC PILOT™ Service can quickly help you with your current GDPR implementation challenges… on a completely confidential and non-obligation basis.
Mar 5 2016
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