Do you need extra expertise on an ad-hoc basis to assist with unexpected challenges and problems?

When did you last check that your operational resilience processes are fit for purpose?
In case you hadn’t noticed
Robert’s current interests include helping organisations with their operational resilience as well as ESG, sustainability and net zero challenges, particularly from a project governance and/or sustainable IT perspective.
He is a regular contributor to Social Media channels where he freely shares new thought leadership materials in LinkedIn and Twitter, but is not actively using this blog space at the moment.
As an independent consultant and subject matter expert (SME) in risk and resilience, Robert also has complementary specialist expertise in project governance and PMO, sustainable IT, business transformation, technology and digital risk.
Please connect with him on LinkedIn at http://uk.linkedin.com/in/roberttoogood so you can keep up-to-date with his regular sharing of materials that might be of interest to you.
Jul 31 2022
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