Do you need extra expertise on an ad-hoc basis to assist with unexpected challenges and problems?

When did you last check that your operational resilience processes are fit for purpose?
We’ve reached 4,000!!!
Did you know our Senior Partner regularly shares the latest thought leadership and related knowledge on things to do with projects, systems and risk?
Since joining Twitter, Robert has now tweated over 4,000 times using his username of chaordicpilot! From extensive reading and active membership of many professional associations such as the Institute of Risk Management (IRM), Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), Project Management Institute (PMI), Association for Project Management (APM), Institute of Consulting (IC) and Chartered Management Institute (CMI) he keeps up-to-date with the latest thinking and developments in the rapidly changing space of projects, systems and risks… and this he freely shares via LinkedIn and Twitter.
So if you’re not already following chaordicpilot on Twitter, maybe it’s time to start following him!
Oct 19 2015
- Business Continuity & Pandemic Planning (9)
- Business Transformation (102)
- Change Management (33)
- Compliance (24)
- Conduct Risk (8)
- GDPR (5)
- Governance (4)
- GRC (22)
- IRM GRC Special Interest Group (11)
- Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) (13)
- News (3)
- Non-Executive Management (NEM) (1)
- Portfolio Management (8)
- Programme & Project Management (9)
- Risk Management (63)
- Solvency II (9)
- Strategy Implementation (34)
- Twitter (2)
- Uncategorized (2)